Sausage & Egg on Toast

This is a great slimming friendly vegetarian breakfast and is super filling! A great kick-start to the day! Toast is such a staple breakfast, so topping them with lots of delicious food is one of my favourite things to do for my breakfast.

Ham & Egg on toast


It is thought that bread originated in Egyptian times over 30,000 years ago, according to archaeologists. They discovered that if they left the dough out for a while that it would rise, and then once baked it would then retain the risen shape. The Egyptians were also responsible for inventing the baking of leavened bread in a closed oven. This occurred in 3000 B.C, and the workers who built the pyramids were partially paid in bread!

Turning bread into toast however, became popular in the Roman Empire. The word originated from the Latin word ‘tostum’ which means to ‘scorch or burn’. To start with, bread was toasted by a fire by being laid out on a hot stone. It wasn’t until 1893 that the first electric toaster was invented by a man named Alan MacMaster from Scotland. The toaster wasn’t very popular to start with, however, as the wiring would often melt in them, making them a fire hazard! Electricity wasn’t very widespread at that point, which also didn’t help its popularity as not many people had the electricity available to actually use it!

In 1919, a man named Charles Strife began inventing an automatic toaster which had a timer in and the well-known spring that pops your toast up once done. Back then, a toaster would cost $25 in America, which today is equal to $400!

National Toast Day

Did you know there was a whole day dedicated to toast? Me either, but on the 23rd February every year, people go out of their way to share different toast creations that they’ve made. For example, in 2016, the new Star Wars film was released and was inevitably popular. This then saw social media flooded with images of Darth Vader burnt into people’s bread.

National toast day isn’t some aged tradition that goes back many years though. The first national toast day was in 2014, organised by the TipToe World Bread Awards. Apparently the reasoning behind creating this day was to make people happier in a month which was deemed as boring.

More delicious breakfast recipes:

If you decide to make this delicious breakfast recipe, be sure to leave a comment below letting me know what you think! Why not take a snap and tag me on Instagram? @thesliceofjess

*Calorific value may change depending on brand of food used*



1 serving

Prep time

2 minutes

Cooking time

20 minutes




  • 2 Low Fat Pork Sausages

  • 2 slices of Wholemeal Bread

  • 2 Eggs

  • 2 Tomatoes

  • Handful of spinach

  • Spray oil


  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.
  • Put your sausages in the oven for 20 minutes. Pop your tomatoes in about half way
  • Meanwhile, scramble your eggs to the consistency you like.
  • Toast your bread, then top with the spinach, followed by the tomatoes, sausages and scrambled egg.

Last updated: 4th November 2021